A friend recently asked me about Google passwords. Another student in her daughter’s 4th grade class, she explained, had figured out her daughter’s password and had been posting junk on some of her documents.

My friend spoke to staff at the school, the password was changed, and the problem seems to have stopped. But there were some lingering questions about the password policy–and the ease with which kids can figure out each other’s passwords.

As a teacher who has had hundreds of conversations with parents over the past two decades, I’m always a little surprised by a couple of things.

First, how many parents are still quite intimidated by their child’s school or teacher. And second, how much trust many parents put in us.

They assume we have the answers and always know why we do what we do. They trust us implicitly with their kids well-being, both physically and mentally.

As a parent, you obviously want what is best for your children, and to get that, you must work together with the school staff to ensure the best environment for your kids while they are at school.

The school gave my child a device. Now what?

The introduction of personal technology devices into the schools has made it even more challenging for parents, while many of us are still trying to figure out how to manage the devices and internet access at home. With most schools moving towards a 1:1 (a device for every student), parents now find themselves with a house full of devices…at least one of them provided by the school.

The school may have provided some training for parents in the form of a beginning-of-the-year, informational meeting, but the truth is most schools are struggling with just getting the teachers well-trained on how and when to use the technology to better instruction. Parents often get relegated to an FAQ page on the website.

If you feel like you’ve been left out of the technology discussion, you need to step up and ask the school the right questions about technology.

But you need to do it the right way, too.


Who to ask

Not everyone in the school or district is fully versed on every aspect of tech. Sometimes, the principal has no clue even how the passwords are setup or created; sometimes, he or she is the one who manages them all.

The best thing to do is start with someone you know. Most likely, that’s your child’s teacher. Ask them who you should contact that could answer your questions. Otherwise, ask the school secretaries: they know everything!

And be specific when you start searching. Especially in larger districts, responsibilities get divided up among the overworked staff. Some may manage passwords, others may handle all the breakage issues on the devices, and still others handle all the training and teaching of students and staff. For example, in some schools, all the cyberbullying issues are handled by the guidance office.

So, don’t ask “who should I talk to about technology?” or you’ll likely get referred to the first person they can think of that has “technology” in their title.


Be objective

One of the biggest challenges of parenting, especially when dealing with an issue that affects your kids, is to keep your Mama Bear/Papa Bear in the cage. It is so easy to let emotions do the talking. Instead, stay focused on the problem or issue itself.

To maintain objectivity in conversations (email or face-to-face) with school staff, try this:


Positive manner

That little gem “You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar” holds true here, too. As much as you may want to let all those bottled-up frustrations out or bite someone’s head off, don’t. It won’t get any positive change done, and you will become one of “those parents.”

Approach the conversation in a spirit of collaboration. You are asking something of the school, but you are also willing to do your part at home. Acknowledge that your child has a responsibility in this problem or issue, too (even if it’s “she knows now that she should’ve come to you sooner about this.”)

Assume that teachers, administration, and staff really do want the best for your child. Assume that the problem may just be an oversight caused by a stretched-too-thin technology staff. Assume that they are willing to work with you to make a better situation for your son or daughter.


Follow up

Just like you, school personnel are busy people. If it’s not an emergency (a cyberbullying issue, an online threat, etc.) it may get pushed back by the hundreds of other fires that have to be put out.

After a reasonable amount of time (a few days to a few weeks, depending), follow up with the person you spoke with. Acknowledge that they are very busy with other important things and ask, “Is there someone else you would prefer I talk to about this?”

Offer to help, if you can. Can you come in and assemble materials for a student packet about safe technology use, or research some websites or people that would be good resources in the future, or some other mundane task that someone would love to have taken off their plate. Just be sure that your request isn’t also creating more work for someone else, too.

The village is now digital

Parents and teachers, in general, have always had the best interests of their “kids” at the heart of everything they do. But technology is a new equation that we’ve all had to figure out as we go. Just as we communicate and collaborate about the physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being of our children, we must now do the same for their digital well-being as well.

What has worked for you in approaching your child’s school on technology issues? Add to the discussion in the comments.

4 Responses

  1. My son’s elementary school was absolutely amazing. I knew all the children in his class, the teachers, and the staff. All accounts and passwords were sent home on one sheet of paper. Some teachers were also beginning to be comfortable with email and text – which was GREAT. I had a standing offer with a teacher to simply let me know by 2:30, and I would HAPPILY comply with her request that my son stay longer to complete unfinished work. 🙂 She was always thanking me, but I made sure to remind her that she is the one deserving thanks.

    Now, two years into middle school, I have no idea what the accounts are, which sites they are using, and certainly not passwords.

    I go to his middle school, and I recognize no parents or children. I don’t have occasion to get to know the teachers and staff… It’s enough to almost make me long for the “good old days”.

    Knowing my son, I am certain that he has accounts and resources out there that he no longer uses and/or doesn’t bother with (it’s not in his ‘bare minimum to get by’ repertoire). Though his mysterious and unknown teachers are great about sending a mass email every week or so, and I have successfully corresponded on a couple occasions, two conferences per year – does not an empowered parent make. 😉

    Do you have any suggestions for sorting and cleaning up old tech, and completely unrelated, perhaps using tech to an advantage when trying to go from a school of 300 kids to a school of over 1000? (And even worse, once we hit high school.) Or, maybe it’s not important to know the staff and teachers unless there is a problem? What are the rules these days?

    I am not really a helicopter mom… In the elementary school, I volunteered, stopped by for lunch, brought birthday treats – the usual. The children would come running up to see me, and knew me as ” Derek’s Mom”. Now, I’m certain I wouldn’t recognize his primary teacher if I crashed my grocery cart into hers…

    1. You are definitely not alone, Allison, in your transition woes. My wife and I felt the same when our oldest entered middle school.

      (And I can SO relate to the ‘bare minimum to get by’ repertoire. Too true!)

      For cleaning up old tech, I assume you mean all the old accounts for things like IXL Math and other tools where each child creates their own. For the most part, I wouldn’t worry about this. Either it doesn’t contain enough personal info to be of concern, or it will be cleaned up (if it’s part of a class account.) For current accounts, there are a number of password apps to store that kind of data. Look into LastPass or Password1, or similar.

      Actually, one of the easiest ways is just to create a spreadsheet. (Yes, I said “spreadsheet”) Either in Excel or Google Sheets, with the latter having the advantage of being able to share the sheet between you and your son.

      As to keeping track of everything in a larger school, the biggest challenge, as you’ve illustrated, is the number of teachers. Instead of one point of contact, you have seven or eight. And they all might use a different tool or website (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, the school’s website, a wiki, whatever).

      The best thing you can do (if you don’t want to be constantly navigating around to all the sites to figure out where that one handout lives…) is to create your own list or page of all the links in one place. You can do this simply with the bookmarks in your favorite browser, or you can get (a little) fancier and create something like a Google Site. It can be just one page, but it’s every link you need all in one place.

      LiveBinders would be another alternative (a digital 3-ring binder with a ‘live’ page on each tab.)

      And, Allison, wanting to know your kid’s teachers, what is going on at school, and how you can be more involved is NOT “helicopter parenting”.

      It’s parenting. And GOOD parenting, at that. Keep it up!

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