
12 virtual schooling strategies for parents
The current restrictions on schools and the workplace have created a situation at home that none of us were prepared[...]
What parents should know about anonymous apps
The rise of anonymous apps reminds us that kids today are just like we were: there are some things we[...]
10 steps to protect your kids’ online privacy
When it comes to keeping our kids safe online, we tend to focus on filtering and monitoring content. An equally[...]
[Book Review] Someone Should Have Told Me
There is a need for good children’s books that tackle digital age subjects (like online safety, pornography, predators, etc.) head-on.[...]
Best video game review sites for parents
If you have a gamer in the house, do you know exactly what they are playing? Since you can only[...]
2018 Year in Review for ParentingDigital (and Me)
Early in every new year, I join the majority of the population in getting reflective about the past year and[...]