Why (and how) non-geek parents should teach their kids to code
In 7th grade, I programmed a computer for the first time. I was able, on an Apple IIe, to get my name to scroll repeatedly down the screen in multiple colors. I did that. I coded that. In Basic. And then, I stopped. Over the years, I dabbled in coding and programming. Typing some lines […]
Building a Safe, Healthy Digital Home, Part Four: Outside

Note: This is the fourth (and final) part of a series on Building a Safe and Healthy Digital Home. It wouldn’t be a complete tour if we didn’t step outside and look around… The Front Porch If the closet was the private part of our lives, the front porch is about as public as it […]
Building a Safe, Healthy Digital Home, Part Three: Upstairs

Note: This is the third part of a series on Building a Safe and Healthy Digital Home. It’s time to take a walk upstairs… The Bedroom To keep this to a PG-rating, we won’t talk about the parents’ bedroom here. (Though there is plenty of material on how technology is interrupting intimate time between them.) […]
Building a Safe, Healthy Digital Home, Part Two: Downstairs

Note: This is the second part of a series on Building a Safe and Healthy Digital Home. In this installment, we tour the first floor… The Dining Room There is no shortage of evidence that regular time around the dinner table–eating together, talking about our days–is a valuable element of healthy families. If there is […]
Building a safe, healthy digital home (Hint: It’s not the filters)

Note: This is the first part of a series on Building a Safe and Healthy Digital Home. Before the real building begins, though… Where to begin My uncle is a carpenter. When he builds a home, he’s not thinking about the fence. Obviously, that’s one of the last things to go up. After the foundation […]