18 fun family activity ideas combining technology and family time

Ironically, if you search online for family activity ideas, you’ll find a ton of ideas about how to “unplug” and have “tech-free family time”. But don’t we already know how to do that? Is that what most of us have grown up with? Sure, we might need reminders in our busy digital lives: Play a […]
Parents have good reasons to ban phones from bedrooms

As parents, we spend a huge chunk of our lives trying to protect our kids. We put bumpers on the corners of the fireplace when they start toddling. We keep a watchful eye when they are playing on the playground. We send worry-filled notes to teachers expressing concern for our child’s social or academic welfare. […]
Facebook launches new Messenger Kids, but is it a good idea?

Facebook recently (and rather quietly) rolled out Messenger Kids to a U.S. audience. The new app, which appeared in our own Facebook app on our iPhones, is targeted to 6-12 year olds. Not surprisingly, it’s created quite a stir among parents and internet experts. The big question: Should I let my child use it? How […]
7 considerations when buying tech gifts for your child

It’s that time of year again. Your child has latched onto the dream of owning their very own fill-in-the-blank-device, and they’ve begun their campaign to convince you that they neeeed one or they will be the laughing stock of all their friends. Suddenly, these beautiful children that you brought into the world, who can’t put […]
What is digital citizenship? A parent’s guide

Citizenship describes the character of a member of a society, and how they behave and function in that society as well as how well they carry out their duties and obligations. When we apply that concept to the world of texts, emails, messages, photo sharing, live video, social media, and all other forms of living […]
From consumers to creators: 9 online activities for kids

In the ongoing discussion about how much kids should be on their screens, we sometimes overlook an important aspect of that question: What are they doing on their screens? All screen time is not equal. I think the time that we parents worry about the most is the passive time where our kids are simply […]
How much screen time for your kids? Consider these 6 factors

When it comes to screen time, everyone is looking for a perfect formula: an ideal number of minutes that we should be allowing our kids on their screens. There is no magic number. Various experts and resources will suggest a time (like no more than 30 minutes a day), but how do we factor in […]
When your kid’s school gives them a device

The school just handed my child a device. Now what? Many districts are “going one-to-one,” if they haven’t already. That means every student gets his or her “own” device. The majority of schools are choosing Chromebooks, but some are issuing iPads, cheaper laptops, or even MacBooks. A one-to-one (usually written 1:1) program offers a lot of […]
Help your child choose their next book with these online resources

As a school librarian, I often hear parents express frustration that their child is unwilling to read. In a world of screens, it is becoming more difficult to convince kids to hit the off button and crack open a good ol’ physical book. In working with students over the years, I’ve become more and more […]
What to say when your kids won’t talk about technology

As digital parents, we probably all have that image of us sitting down with our tween or teen and having a calm, open conversation about their technology use. In this dream, we are both expressing our concerns and opinions in a mature, warm chat, and a mutual understanding washes over both of us as we […]