7-Day online Safety Challenge (for Parents)
Day 4: Parental Controls on Devices (Part 1)
Consider the following:
- Find out what parental controls are available on the phones in your house.
- Here's your cheat sheet for smartphones (and some tablets)
- Screen Time (iOS) features and controls
- Track and report phone usage details
- Set time limits (both amount of time and time of day) for specific apps
- Manage and approve apps before they are installed
- Content restrictions
- Privacy restrictions (like location sharing, camera usage, etc.)
- Google's Family Link (Android) features and controls
- Track and report phone activity, including app usage
- Manage and approve app installs
- Includes suggested teacher-approved apps for downloading
- Set time limits and bedtimes
- Locate your child using their phone
- Screen Time (iOS) features and controls
- As you learn what is available, add these details to your Home Audit worksheet.
Your ACTION STEP for today:
Determine what parental controls are available on your phones
and add those details to the Home Audit worksheet.
All the Daily Challenges:
- Day 1: Open Lines of Communication
- Day 2: Getting a Handle on Your Digital Setup
- Day 3: Parental Controls for Your Router
- Day 4: Parental Controls on Your Devices (Part 1)
- Day 5: Parental Controls on Your Devices (Part 2)
- Day 6: Completing Your Online Safety Home Audit
- Day 7: Your Next Steps