What parents need to know about virtual reality

What if you could take your kids to see the pyramids of Egypt or the Great Barrier Reef? Can’t afford such an extravagant trip? Enter virtual reality. Technology has made possible all sorts of incredible tools for breaking down communication and broadcast limits, allowing us to talk face-to-face with someone on the other side of […]

What parents can learn when we shut up and drive

For a recent birthday, our oldest wanted to go to a movie with a handful of his friends. After driving around picking them all up, we were on our way. One minivan, one middle-aged dad, and five 15-16 year olds. No sooner were their butts in the seats than the devices came out. At first […]

Router Limits filtering device and service [Review]

What if you didn’t have to install a program or app on every device in your house, yet still be able to keep tabs on what everyone is doing? That’s the key advantage of devices, like Router Limits, that filter and monitor at the router level. In other words, it keeps track and filters all […]

Not a tech savvy parent? Try these 5 simple steps

As parents, many of us are good at overcomplicating things; managing the mix of technology and family life is no exception. We may feel that we have to have it all figured out. Are we up to date on all the latest apps, skilled in every social media channel, aware of every harmful website, and […]

Dangerous apps kids should not have on their phones. Period.

Even as someone who usually tries to focus on the positive aspects of technology, I have to admit that there are some dangerous apps for teens and tweens that we need to watch out for. I normally cringe when I hear parents talk about how dangerous the internet is and every internet user is a […]

What parents need to know about “brain hacking”

It would appear that the apps we and our kids have on our devices may actually be hacking our brains. In “Brain Hacking,” a recent episode of 60 Minutes, correspondent Anderson Cooper interviews tech insiders who bluntly admit that apps are often designed to create an addiction-like behavior. What is brain hacking? Cooper speaks with […]

Challenge: Put yourself on a Facebook diet

Note: This is the first in a series of ParentingDigital challenges, action plans for you to take to become a better digital parent. Follow the steps and post your progress on the Facebook page or in the comments below for some accountability and cheers from your fellow participants. The reason for this particular challenge is […]

7 roles every digital parent plays

Parenting has never been easy, has it? But it seems like the digital world of devices and social media has changed the look of some of the familiar roles we thought we’d be playing when we first entered parenthood.   Every digital parent will find themselves, at some point, playing each of the following roles […]

What parents need to know about live-streaming apps

Even before the year was over, experts were declaring that 2016 was the year of live-streaming. Not that I was around then, but I imagine that in the early days of television, most people were in awe of what the technology was able to do: project video and audio from one location to hundreds or […]

Setting a digital parenting goal for the new year

Like most of us, I’ve been thinking a lot about the new year. I’ve abandoned “resolutions” because they are a little too flaky for me. (Oh, and because I’ve never been successful with any that I’ve made.)   Instead, I prefer to set goals for the new year and follow them up with a short […]